FluidNinja LIVE
- VFXarchives
Supported Version – Unreal Engine 5.4+
What is FluidNinja LIVE ?
FluidNinja LIVE fast, responsive Fluid Simulation for Character and Environment VFX.Drive dynamic systems with fluidsim: water, clouds, smoke, fire, sand, snow and foliage.
Robust: capable to track hundreds of objects and bones, including Metahuman skeletons
Large scale: local fluid solver extended with global pattern generators – to render large fields of sand, water, fog
Volumetrics: supporting all native UE Volume types: Fog, Clouds and Heterogeneous Volumes
Simple-mode: track objects and draw trajectories without running fluidsim (eg. footsteps, wheeltracks)
Scalable: could be optimized for low-end hardware or run a 4k sim container
Modular: could be added as ActorComponent / could drive other components (niagara, volumes)
Cinematics: ready for rendering via Movie Render Queue, supports Sequencer
Niagara: two-way data flow – drive particles using fluidsim / drive fluidsim using particles
Sim buffers exposed to Render Targets (density, velocity, pressure)
Examples included: 20 use case levels and 30 tutorial levels
Large distances: unreal Large World Coordinates (LWC) are supported
Simulation Inputs
Static Meshes, Physics Bodies (position, size and velocity)
Skeletal Meshes, Metahumans (bone position and velocity)
Textures and Materials (density, velocity)
Niagara Particles (position, velocity)
Scene Capture Camera and Streaming video
User gestures via mouse and touchscreen.
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File Name : FluidNinja LIVE v1.9.54.4 (5.4).rar