All software, plugins, scripts, and assets displayed on are the intellectual property of their respective owners. We do not claim ownership or copyright over any of the content presented. VFX Archives serves as a public repository for sharing digital files.
This website does not host or store any illegal files on its servers. We solely index and provide links to content available on other websites. None of the files linked here are uploaded, hosted, or transmitted by our servers.
All content shared on this site is contributed by users, who post links to external blogs, forums, and platforms, sharing what they deem valuable. We function similarly to search engines, organizing and indexing information for easier discovery.
All trademarks, videos, trade names, service marks, copyrighted works, and logos referenced on this website are the property of their respective owners and companies. VFX Archives does not take responsibility for content uploaded by users to third-party websites. We encourage all copyright holders to understand that the links provided on this site lead to external content hosted elsewhere on the internet by other websites. If you have any legal concerns, please directly contact the appropriate media file owners or hosting platforms.
For any requests regarding the removal of videos or software, please contact the respective hosting provider directly.
If you are an individual developer and believe that your files have been shared by some of our users, we recommend locating the specific links and submitting a DMCA notice or report directly to the free-hosting service where your copyrighted materials are stored.
While we can attempt to remove posts and ban users from our platform, this may not fully resolve the issue, as new accounts can be created and links can be reposted. Additionally, removing text links or pages from our site has limited effectiveness since cached versions of those pages may still exist online, and we do not have control over content hosted on third-party servers.
Please note that linking to potentially infringing content is not currently deemed illegal, and legal interpretations on this matter are still evolving. Addressing the issue directly with the free-hosting provider is the most effective way to protect your content.
Notice of Copyright Infringement
If you believe that copyrighted material has been posted on, or if links to your copyrighted material appear in our search results and you wish to have this material removed, please submit a written request that includes the required information listed below. Please note that misrepresentation of material as infringing may result in legal consequences, including liability for damages (such as costs and attorneys’ fees). We recommend consulting with an attorney before proceeding with a copyright claim.
Required Information for a Copyright Infringement Claim:
1. Authorized Representation: Provide evidence that you are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner whose exclusive rights are allegedly being infringed.
2. Contact Information: Include sufficient contact details for us to reach you, including a valid email address.
3. Identification of Copyrighted Work: Clearly identify the copyrighted work claimed to be infringed. Include at least one search term under which the material appears on
4. Good Faith Statement: Include a statement that you have a good faith belief that the use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
5. Accuracy Statement: Confirm that the information provided in your notice is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
6. Signature: The notice must be signed by the authorized person acting on behalf of the copyright owner.
Please allow at least 3 business days for us to respond via email. Sending your complaint to other parties, such as our Internet Service Provider, will not expedite the process and may result in delays due to improper filing.
Submit your copyright infringement notice to: [email protected]