Wear N’ Tear v2.0.0 PRO
- VFXarchives
Supported Version – Blender 4.2
What is Wear N’ Tear ?
Erode your models by adding Wear N’ Tear to create that used, worn out feel.
Activate the add-on by pressing “F9“.
Select Wear N’ Tear HP (Realistic) or Wear N’ Tear LP for a stylized look.
Erode your model(s) individually one at a time or multiple objects simultaneously (multi select).
Process entire walls at once. No need to separate the bricks, stones or any part at all. Fast real time response.
Restore your model in whole or partially (loose part) to its original state as many times as needed. Forever. No need to work “non destructively”.
Add mortar between Stones or bricks (Pro).
Cover your model(s) with plaster (Pro). Or, create landscapes with it (See below: The Plaster Planet).
Cut cracks, cut parts off, add scratches, rip, tear, shred. Heck, build the model first with Sketch N’ Carve CORE which is a full function modeler (Damage Control).
Simulate parts to create a realistic debris using Sketch N’ Simulate_SE (Full Damage Control)
If you encounter any issues with the links, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me here or on Discord. I will promptly update the links as needed. Additionally, please ensure that you are downloading the correct file format, such as .zip or .rar. Thank you for your understanding!
File Name : Wear N’ Tear v2.0.0 PRO.zip